

RPLP Scholars

The RPLP team brings together a diverse set of researchers at different stages of their academic careers to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration on religion in the public sphere. If you are interested in joining the RPLP team, please see more about available Fellowships and Employment with the link above.

Undergraduate student fellows participate in data collection, complete semester-long analysis projects, help develop and support our programming, and host our scholar and civic leader guests.

Graduate student fellows are generally housed in one of Rice University’s core academic departments. They are supported by their academic department but may receive funding through RPLP to attend conferences or workshops. Graduate student fellows have access to RPLP research and work on articles with RPLP faculty, as well as actively participate in our weekly seminar.

Visiting graduate student fellows are currently enrolled in a masters or Ph.D. program at an outside institution. While affiliated with the RPLP, they continue to conduct their own research and seek input and feedback from the RPLP team. They also contribute to the RPLP's community engagement mission.

Postdoctoral fellows are intimately involved in the design and set up of RPLP research and have the opportunity to lead events. They receive training in research translation, op ed writing, and media training. They also spearhead their own research initiatives on religion.

Visiting research associates are postdoctoral scholars affiliated with the RPLP, actively contributing to research and/or programming.

Non-resident research fellows are faculty at another institution who typically have been affiliated with RPLP in the past. They are involved in RPLP research in an ongoing capacity by contributing to articles and sharing findings with the public through media and presentations.